We are a body of believers who's greatest desire is to Know Jesus Christ in the power of His resurrection and to share His great love to all.
We believe that God’s inerrant Word is our final authority for faith and practice (2 Tim. 3: 16). This means that what we do is deeply theological. Therefore, we will use the Bible as the guide for our writing, consulting, training, and speaking ministries.
We believe that Christ’s church is the only hope for mankind (Matt. 16: 18). Therefore, we have a passion to help all believers to discover their need to further Christ’s church-building process by sharing the gospel of Jesus Christ unto the saving of souls.
We believe that biblical leadership is the hope of the church (2 Tim. 2: 2). Therefore, we will serve along side those who have leadership gifts and abilities and a heart for God's people.
We are convinced that Christ’s will and mission for His church is the Great Commission (Matt. 28: 19– 20). Therefore, we are committed to lead and equip believers to make and mature disciples.
Christians ultimately serve God, not men (Col. 3: 23– 24). Therefore, we seek to honor Him by maintaining a high standard of excellence in all our services for Him.